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Steve, Hannia, and their loyal companion, Jamo
Shots and Giggles at
201 Ann St. Key West, FL

     Shots and Giggles is a local's favorite bar in Key West, FL. Nestled next to Tattoos & Scars Saloon right off of Greene St., Shots and Giggles is known for its relaxed atmosphere, cold drinks, and always having the game on any of their 5 TVs.


     Owners Steve Kibbe and Hannia Rivera mixed their love of hospitality and sports back in 2011 when they opened Shots and Giggles. The two have been based in Key West for over 18 years, enjoying the sunshine and small town feel.  As lifelong restauranteurs and bar managers, Steve and Hannia are fortunate to have realized their dream of owning this little piece of hidden paradise.  


     Steve immigrated to the Conch Republic from San Francisco, California.   Don't be fooled, however, you'll often see him around town in an Eagles' jersey. Meanwhile, Hannia is a diehard Redskins fan from Annapolis, Maryland. She's often spotted sporting an "I hate Dallas" t-shirt around town.


     So stop in and say hello for some Shots and Giggles, you'll be happy you did!





     Danielle arrived here from Dallas, Texas in 2017 after vacationing in Key  West, and falling in love with this tropical paradise as well as Shots and Giggles. 

     Although she's a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan, we knew she'd be a perfect fit.

     Come by and see her Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday nights at one of the island's best local bars. Danielle also sells real estate, so if you're looking 😉 




     A WVU graduate born and raised in the Philly ‘burbs by way of the Jersey shore, Valerie moved to Key West in 2004. She loves the tight knit, charitable, & open minded community that the island encompasses. 

     Her passions include all things sports, music, her 2 dogs Linus & Lucy, and spending time with family & friends.

     You can find Val here on Wednesday nights!




   Come match wits with Houston native Ashley B. You'll find her here on Sunday night football, cheering on her beloved Texans.

     Swing by Saturday, Sunday, & Monday night and be ready for Ash to light you up & get your night rolling!!!









     Karin is a Maryland native who works 2 jobs in order to support her dog Missy’s bacon habit.

     When she’s not pouring Mermaid Water here, she’s either selling real estate in the lower keys or trying to perfect her beer golf game.

     You can find Karin here most Mondays!




    Kaylee is originally from Auburn, Maine. She moved to Key West in 2018 to do her clinical studies for her master's degree at Lower Keys Medical Center while working toward the profession of occupational therapy. 

     You can find Kaylee here most days from 12-6 PM!







Written by David A. Kaufelt for the Sun-Sentinel


     Yet another genuine Key West eccentric, Frank Fontis billed himself as a veteran landscape artist and local "booster and businessman."


     He was owner of the Coffee Mill and Florida Railroad Museum, but opinion about Frank Fontis' boosterism and character is sharply divided.


     When I told one of his champions that Fontis was notorious as a seducer of young men, the answer was, "So what? He was a creative genius." Playwright Tennessee Williams, on the other hand, believed Fontis was a "malign" spirit, that he had "genuine demonic presence ....... evil powers."


     It was Fontis who built the fence that surrounds Williams' famous Duncan Street house, carving "Tom" (Tennessee's real name) into the fretsaw work of the gingerbread gazebo. Supposedly, this imbued it with noxious power.


     Later, he rented the Old Coffee Mill from a Mrs. Sanchez, who gave him two ultimate Key West accolades: "He gave the biggest Christmas party in town" and "He knew the highest of the high."


     Lending some credibility to this statement was Fontis' friendship with President Jimmy Carter's mother, Miss Lillian. On a visit to Key West, Miss Lillian had locked her keys inside her car and Fontis retrieved them for her. He entertained Miss Lillian on at least two of her subsequent visits to the island city.


     Fontis finally achieved his boyhood ambition of running a museum when the old Mary, Star of the Sea convent was torn down. Fontis bought a valuable seashell collection from the nuns at a bargain price, and subsequently purchased two old Overseas Railroad cars and an outhouse. Displaying them in a building adjacent to the Old Coffee Mill, he opened his museum.


      A cleanliness freak, Fontis was particular about who came into his museum. Any tourist dropping a cigarette butt was quickly evicted and, as time went on, fewer and fewer people passed Frank's rigid scrutiny. He had, it is said, a dark sense of humor. When he was washing down his sidewalk, he was known to spritz passers-by whom he felt did not rise to his high sanitary standards.


     He employed a variety of young men -- drifters and AWOL sailors -- who worked in his museum and in his landscape business for reputedly substandard wages. Often, when he was finished with their services, he refused to pay them anything at all. So no one was all that surprised when Frank Fontis came to an untimely end.


     Fontis, 46 or 49, depending upon which issue of the Key West Citizen you read, was found nude... in "a pool of blood" on his front porch on Jan. 5, 1979. He had been shot in the head. Dollar bills were scattered around him, and his parrots and parakeets were making a tremendous racket.


     Months later, warrants were issued for two men, Michael Craig Messina, 18, and James or Anthony Dillman, age unknown, who were accused of second-degree murder and robbery. About $600 in cash was missing, along with assorted jewelry, including a gold necklace from which dangled a heart bearing the letter "F" engraved in diamonds.


     The jewelry led to the arrest of Messina and Dillman, because Dillman had been spotted wearing the heart necklace with the diamond "F." However, the evidence turned out to be circumstantial. Messina was let go. Dillman was found guilty of second-degree theft but was subsequently acquitted.


     Alas, there were no buyers for the Coffee Mill and Florida Railroad Museum. It died shortly after its owner.

Frank Fontis called 201 Ann St. in Key West home, and that's where he met his untimely demise on Jan. 5, 1979
It is now the home of

Shots and Giggles.
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Frank Fontis Murder -
Bloody Footprints on the Porch
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Blood Just Inside Front Door
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Frank Fontis Murder -
Wallet on Bed
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